
Hi, and welcome to my little blog about gardening in a city! Minneapolis, to be exact.  One of my best friends suggested I start a blog so he could keep up with what's happening on my little slice of paradise, and I took him up on the offer. Disclaimer:  I'm no professional-I just happen to have grown up in a garden-crazy household (and I swore through gritted teeth that I would NEVER do this stupid stuff when I was older) and I'm blessed with some really knowledgeable friends. I hope to share the goings-on of my gardens, and learn from all of you, too!
My husband and I live with our two dogs in a little white house (yes, there's even a white picket fence!) on the south side of town with lots of gardens scattered about. My love for plants is equally divided between edible and ornamental, so this blog will cover both. We find that we're mixing the two more and more-mostly because one thing an urban garden does not have is a lot of space. Last, but not least, Jon and I are committed to the principals of organic gardening, and while not experts by any stretch of the imagination, we hope to show how easy it is to do.
I also happen to be a chef, so if it's O.K. with you, I'll be sharing what happens once my lovelies are ripe and ready for eating, cooking, preserving and more.
Thanks for stopping by, 

Monday, April 27, 2009

There's the Rain!

One of my top ten all-time favorite things is a rainy day off.  Most people complain about the "bad" weather that ruined their day, but I for one LOVE the chance to settle in for the day, with nary of pang of guilt for ignoring some outdoor task.
So, you ask, what does an urban gardener do when there's no going outside?  
She bakes, of course!

Dog biscuits,

 which Frank seems to approve of:

And whole wheat molasses bread,

which my favorite Norwegian transplant taught me to enjoy with a few thin slices of cheese (I like Gouda) and cucumber.
If you ever have a rainy day that frees you up from gardening, and want to bake something, I implore you to check out the best baking blog on the internet:
If you can't find something appealing on Siri's blog, you may just be missing a heart.

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