
Hi, and welcome to my little blog about gardening in a city! Minneapolis, to be exact.  One of my best friends suggested I start a blog so he could keep up with what's happening on my little slice of paradise, and I took him up on the offer. Disclaimer:  I'm no professional-I just happen to have grown up in a garden-crazy household (and I swore through gritted teeth that I would NEVER do this stupid stuff when I was older) and I'm blessed with some really knowledgeable friends. I hope to share the goings-on of my gardens, and learn from all of you, too!
My husband and I live with our two dogs in a little white house (yes, there's even a white picket fence!) on the south side of town with lots of gardens scattered about. My love for plants is equally divided between edible and ornamental, so this blog will cover both. We find that we're mixing the two more and more-mostly because one thing an urban garden does not have is a lot of space. Last, but not least, Jon and I are committed to the principals of organic gardening, and while not experts by any stretch of the imagination, we hope to show how easy it is to do.
I also happen to be a chef, so if it's O.K. with you, I'll be sharing what happens once my lovelies are ripe and ready for eating, cooking, preserving and more.
Thanks for stopping by, 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's May Day!

Since yesterday was spent taking care of some of the truly colossal chore list, I declared today to be a day of rest and rejuvenation.

Did I say rejuvenation?  What a perfect segway into what we did today-the 2009 May Day Festival at our very own Powderhorn Park.  

Part socialist festival, part spring-time pagan ritual, and part awesome food fair, May Day is at the top of the list of favorite outdoor events for me. 
We get to officially say good bye to the winter (which one tends to get paranoid about in Minnesota) and greet the new season of sun, growth, and gardening!

Produced by the esteemed Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater, this year's theme (decided collectively at public meetings, of course):  Our Common Treasury-Dig It

You've got your distaught egg-heads (Their giant puppet egg broke, symbolizing the crash of the world economy):

You've got your evil fat-cat bankers: (Those guys are all the same)

You've got an awesome wild boar (not sure what he is!)

And then it's on to the good stuff:

Digging the real economy.

Add a little of that and this:

And presto! It equals this:

 Now isn't that what it's all about, friends?

I love Minneapolis!

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